Sending Email using X++ Code (AX2012/D365)

class SRSendEmail_D365


    public static void main(Args _args)


        SysMailerMessageBuilder messageBuilder = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();

        Email   toEmail;

        Email   fromEmail;



            FromEmail = “”;

            toEmail   = “”;

            messageBuilder.setBody(“Hello from D365”, false);

            messageBuilder.setSubject(“Email Test from D365”);


            // Note: not calling setFrom() defaults to the current user for SMTP client, whereas

            // when sent to Outlook any setFrom() value will be ignored since profiles on the client are used


            // Open the generated email in the configured client

            // Sends a message interactively, allowing the user to view and modify the message before


            // Try using sendNonInteractive method too


        catch (Exception::Error)


            throw error(“@SYS33567”);




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