Category: Cases

No internet connection found. please verify that your internet connection is available AX2012 CU 13 updates

Applying CU 13 updates yields No Internet Connections Available Recently while trying to apply an update one of our AX 2012 R3 environment, I ran across a “No internet available” when running the AxUpdate installer. The internet connection was most certainly available on this server. I verified this by running a browser and pinging outside sources…

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error An error occurred while deploying the report EEMCVendInvoiceDocument.ReportMY, EEMCModel. This might be because the SQL Server Reporting Services has not been installed, or is not configured correctly. D365

You probably renamed your VM. Open “Reporting Services Configuration Manager” (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft SQL Server 2016\Configuration Tools). Click on the database icon on the left, and click on change database -> Choose an existing database, you will be prompted to connect to the database server and in the Server Name type your new VM’s name. Then…

Report Server Error: “The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized SSRS Ax2012

I have fond out what’s causing Error: “The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized”. In Reporting service configuration manager I need to provide user account details in service account   reference :

Management Reporter 2012 – Reset Data Mart for Dynamics AX 

Management Reporter 2012 – Reset Data Mart for Dynamics AX Management Reporter 2012 utilizes two databases. One of these databases stores report metadata, user information and other application information. Management Reporter also uses a data mart database which stores financial information in a format optimized for financial statement reporting. At times the data in this…