Convert word to voice or to Speech using Speech.Synthesis X++ [D365 or Ax2012]
Last days I was working on “Speech.Synthesis” library which use to convert any English word to Speech or voice. I have built a new class library named (SpeachD365) then set library configuration values to integrate it in Dynamics 365 or Ax2012 directly, and it’s working successfully. SpeachD365 is limit to the main four function Speak(string word)…
Convert Numbers to Arabic letters Custom Code SSRS with currency [AX2012 or D365]
Public Function ToArabicLetter(ByVal givenNumber As Double, ByVal CurrencyCode As String ) As String Dim FinalOutput, Number, NumberCurrency, Fractions, FractionsCurrency As String Dim Tafkeet = ” فقط لا غير” Dim WholeNumber() As String = Split(givenNumber, “.”) Dim CurrencyCode2 As String =CurrencyCode NumberCurrency = NumberAsCurrency(WholeNumber(0),CurrencyCode2 ) FinalOutput = NumberCurrency If WholeNumber.Length >= 2 Then If WholeNumber(1).Length.Equals(1) Then…
Running AX 2012: “An invalid directory structure for Microsoft Dynamics AX was detected
first check Link check client configuration configuration should be same on registry editor
How to convert numbers into Arabic numeric in X++?
static TempStr num2ar(real numerals) { #DEFINE.NumDec(2) str 1 digit; str 30 numeralsTxt; str 250 characters; numeralsTxt= num2str(numerals,0,#NumDec,2,0); characters= “”; while (numeralsTxt) { digit = subStr(numeralsTxt,1,1); numeralsTxt= strDel(numeralsTxt,1,1); switch(digit) { case ‘0’: characters+= ‘.’; break; case ‘1’: characters+= ‘۱’; break; case ‘2’: characters+= ‘۲’; break; case ‘3’: characters+= ‘۳’; break; case ‘4’: characters+= ‘٤’; break; case…
Make dropdown list with two columns In Form D365 [Override Lookup method]
1- add any string field in the form 2- copy “OnLookup” event handler 3- add blew code on event handler method [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(smmOpportunityTable, smmOpportunityTable_BiScenario), FormControlEventType::Lookup)]public static void smmOpportunityTable_BiScenario_OnLookup(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e){
Comparison of cloud and on-premises features
Please Check Microsoft docs
Deleting a Production order with active status
First: Released items must be reversed First you can go to production order BOM, check raw materials invent transaction, delete Qty Second : change Production order status to compete or ended then you can delete it IF Updating has been interrupted because there is an inventory transaction with the status Deducted. error you can comment…